
Director of Technology

Tom Altman

Before partnering with Speroteck, we faced a two-fold challenge. First, we needed a reliable team to maintain our webserver. Second, our in-house developer was swamped and needed backup. Enter Speroteck—a company with a culture that genuinely cares about our success.

The working process with Speroteck is refreshingly straightforward. For day-to-day tasks, their ticketing portal is a breeze. For larger projects, we collaborate on a scope document and hold meetings to ensure everyone’s on the same page. It’s like having an extra set of skilled hands without the hassle of micromanagement.

One of the most impressive aspects of our partnership has been the results. We’ve tackled big projects that would’ve been impossible without Speroteck’s support. As our own team has seen developers come and go, Speroteck has been the consistent force we can always count on.

Their expertise is top-notch. They know our platforms inside and out, allowing us to get to the root of problems and find solutions at warp speed. It’s not just about getting the job done; it’s about doing it well and doing it efficiently.

In the long run, what stands out the most is their consistency. We know we can rely on Speroteck whenever we need to get something done. They’re not just another vendor; they’re more like colleagues who are invested in our success.

Would I recommend Speroteck? Absolutely. They’re not just in it for the paycheck; they genuinely care about their clients. Working with them feels less like a job and more like a partnership aimed at mutual success.


Back in 2012 was built on Magento 1. As part of the company’s development plan, the owner addressed Speroteck with a request for a Magneto’s version upgrade. The additional goal was to have a strong support team to not only keep the site up to date but also be ready to work on any improvements required by business. The company maintains business through several websites (stores), such as,,,, and, which means a lot of work to support and enhance. Having a team ready to jump into action at any time would be a great addition to the company’s own developer. While being quite independent, all stores must maintain a similar look and same customer’s experience. For that good communication and coordination is a must.

How Speroteck Helped?

Migrated the initial site from Magento 1 to Magento 2 and keep updating further to the latest platform versions which also includes providing upgrades for all custom solutions.

Whenever possible Speroteck would help not just by implementing things, but also by advising and recommending the best approach, so client’s in-house developer can easier navigate through tasks. For example:

Every step of the road was discussed, tested, and coordinated with the Spotix team to make every transition smooth and painless. Making sure everyone is on the same page for any move, whether it is a development site or the production one.

Speroteck believes that proper coordination and constant communication with the client’s team are necessary keys for a beautiful website, successful business and long and productive relationship.


No matter how big your project is, how ambitious your goalis, and how challenging it might appear, Speroteck’s team is always ready for a challenge. Our team of well-trained and experienced personnel, such as Account Managers, Business Analysts, Technical Leads and Architects, Project Managers and SEO Specialists, will guide you through any project. Our talented Developers and Quality Assurance Engineers will make sure it works like you imagined it.

If you would like to hear more details about this case or have any questions:

